Champagne Skirts

Champagne Skirts

For a hostess with a twist try a Champagne Skirt. Champagne Skirts surround the performer and hold up to 72 champagne, wine or martini style glasses. They are wheeled to keep them level and can be static – on surfaces such as gravel, thick carpet or cobbled floors, or mobile – on surfaces such as marble, thin carpet, laminate, polished or stone floors.
The performers are interactive and beautifully costumed and the Champagne Skirts create an unusual opening visual for arriving guests.

Technical details

1 hour drinks reception or up to 3 x 30m sessions for longer, larger events
The skirt is just under 1.5m in diameter when fully set-up and can be set-up on location
The booker to provide all drinks and glasses, the skirt takes up to 72 drinks on designated hook points.
Event caterers or other designated staff will need to replenish the skirt and remove empties
Free parking required and access to drop off equipment as close to the performance area as possible.
Clean, secure and private changing space required.

Related act: Human Tables